Boomer Years in Review


Boomer List Timeline


1946 in Review:


First meeting of UN General Assembly opens in London (Jan. 10).  Ho Chi Minh elected president of North Vietnam ( March 2) Winston Churchill's “Iron Curtain” speech in Fulton, Missouri warns of Soviet expansion (March 5). League of Nations dissolved (April). The bikini, which took its name after the atomic testing by the US at Bikini Atoll, was sold in Paris ( July) the Verdict in Nuremberg war trial: 12Nazi leaders (including 1 tried in absentia) sentenced to hang; 7 imprisoned; 3 acquitted (Oct. 1). Goering commits suicide a few hours before 10 other Nazis are executed (Oct. 15). Juan Perón becomes president of Argentina.  Benjamin Spock's childcare classic Common Sense Book of Baby and Childcare  published.  President Harry Truman officially declares the end of World War II (December 31


Top Five Songs:

  1. Perry Como - Prisoner Of Love
  2. Eddy Howard - To Each His Own
  3. Ink Spots - The Gypsy
  4. Frank Sinatra - Five Minutes More
  5. Frankie Carle - Rumors Are Flying


It's A Beautiful Life

Best Years of Our Life 

Song of the South

The Postman Always Rings Twice 

The Big Sleep

Brief Encounter

The Yearling

Best Picture - The Lost Weekend


Animal Farm

All The King's Men

Brideshead Revisited

Zorba the Greek

The Member of the Wedding


Scruffy the Tugboat

Little Fur Family

Nobel Prize for literature - Herman Hesse


Montreal beats the Boston Bruins 4 games to 1 to win the Stanley Cup Championship

St. Louis beats the Boston Red Sox 4 games to 3 to win the World Series

Kentucky Derby Champion Assault

PGA Golf Champion Ben Hogan

AL MVP Ted Williams 


1947 in Review


WW II peace treaties signed (Feb 10); International Monetary Fund begins operation (March 1); Pres Harry Truman introduces the Truman Doctrine to fight communism ushering in the Cold War (March 12)Congress proposes 2-term limitation on the presidency (March 24); Jackie Robinson becomes the first African- American to play in US Major Baseball (April 15);Thor Heyerdahl and "Kon-Tiki" set sail for a journey of 101 days from Peru to Polynesia (April 28); General MacArthur approves Japonese Constitution (May 7); US Senate approved Taft-Hartley Act limiting the powers of unions (May 13); US Secretary of State outlines the "Marshall Plan" to aid in European economic recovery  (June 5); ist version of Anne Franks' diary published in Amsterdam (June 25); Roswell UFO incident ( July 7); President Harry Truman signs the Presidential Succession Act outlining the succession to power should the president become incapacitated (July18); President Harry Truman signs the National Security Act establishing the DoD, CIA, National Security Council and the Joints Chief of Staff (July 20) ; President Harry Truman delivers the first presidential address from the White House ( Oct 5); Chuck Yeagar makes first supersonic flight (October 14); NBC's Meet the Press makes network TV debut (Nov 20); The US House of Representatives Committee on Un-American Activities finds "Hollywood 10" in contempt because of their refusal to reveal whether they were communists (Nov 24); UN Gen Assembly partitions Palestine between Arabs & Jews (Nov 29); 1st Howdy Doody show airs on NBC ( Dec 27).   


Top five songs :

  1. Francis Craig - Near You
  2. Harmonicats - Peg O' My Heart
  3. Ted Weems - Heartaches
  4. Ray Noble and Buddy Clark - Linda
  5. Tex Williams - Smoke, Smoke, Smoke That Cigarette



The Two Mrs. Carols

Miracle of 34th Street

Gentlemen's Agreement

Out of the Past

Black Narcissus

The Ghost and Mrs. Muir

The Bishop's Wife

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

Life with Father

Best Picture of the Year: The Best Days of Our Lives



The Diary of a Young Girl

Goodnight Moon

A Streetcar Named Desire

The Plague

The Twenty One Balloons

Mrs. Piggle Wiggle

Tales of the South Pacific

Misty of Chincoteague

I, The Jury

The Pearl

Dr. Faustus

Nobel Prize for Literature: Andre Gide

Pulitzer Prize for Literaure: Robert Penn Warren All the King's Men  



NY Yankees defeat the Brooklyn Dodgers 4-3 to win World Series

Toronto defeats Montreal 4-2 to win Stanley Cup

Philadelphia Warriors defeat Chicago Stags 4-1 to win NBA Championship

Kentucky Derby Champion Jet Pilot

PGA Champion Jim Lesser

MLB Rookie of the Year Jackie Robinson

AL MVP Joe DiMaggio ( Ted Williams won the Triple Crown but lost MVP race by one vote)